Chris found yoga after his divorce from his toxic relationship with the gym. A neighbour took him along to a hot yoga studio one Sunday afternoon and from that day on he was hooked. He has been practising for over 15 years. In 2016 and as part of a year travelling the world,Chris did his 200 RYT in India and his 50 hours Yin. His yoga teacher training comprised of vinyasa flow and ashtanga and a solid understanding of the eight limbs of yoga. Chris teaches yoga, yoga for sleep and meditation classes across several studios and for private clients remotely bringing authenticity and humour to the mat.

During his relationship with yoga Chris became ever -increasingly interested in the power of Breathwork. He attended a Conscious Connected Breathing workshop and he realised how the breath could be used as a vehicle to help improve mental, physical and emotional health. Since qualifying on the magical island of Lanzarote he uses the breath to help others connect to a deeper understanding of themselves, relax the mind, calm the nervous system and alleviate anxiety, stress and depression.


Yoga and Breath

This workshop will enable participants to connect breath with movement. Using traditional yoga poses combined with conscious breath you will release anxiety and stress. You will experience a deeply nourishing relaxation and you use breath to alter your state of consciousness.

Conscious Connected Breathing

Conscious Breathing is a gentle, simple technique that helps people to open up the full potential of their breathing system for better physical and emotional well being. This workshop teaches a pattern of conscious breathing which will energise, release emotional baggage, become aware of emotions being held in the physical body and understand the nature of spirit. Open your breath and expand your life.